Check Out Our Gen Con Booth!

Up, up, up the Ziggurat!

In the calm before the storm of Gen Con, we took an opportunity to film and photograph our Booth and we wanted to share it with you.

Every year we want to do something a bit special, and a bit different. A bit more fun! You might have noticed something new at our Booth this time around in a few of the photos — vintage Pinball machines! Stop on by and give them a whirl, they are free to play all con long.

And that massive roaring orange rectangle in the photos, by the way, is not a new member of staff — it’s a giant dice tower!

We are listed in the program and map as Booth #109 in the Exhibit Hall. (In reality we take up multiple booths, but that’s how you can find us on the lower left of the map!). For Friday’s Gen Con schedule, click here.

So stop by and see us and check out all the cool stuff we’ve got for you — we can’t wait to catch up, and we’re all having a blast at Gen Con!

And be sure to check out the rest of our ongoing Gen Con 2023 coverage!

Author: admin

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