Meet the Wizard Van at Gen Con!

We’re with the . . . Van!

It isn’t Van-ity that has us showing off the old school lines of our classic Wizard Van, or its retro plush interior (yes, that is a carpeted ceiling!) custom designed for intense yet comfortable RPGing. No, this wonderful creation of Wayne Snyder’s isn’t just about the looks, it is in fact scientifically designed to be at the Van-guard of old school gaming!

And we will be bringing the Wizard Van back to Gen Con this year! It’s only a few weeks away, but we want everyone who plans to attend Gen Con 2023 to know that the Van, in all it’s Van-glorious glory, will be at the Lucas Oil Stadium during the show. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones already booked for a game session in the back of the Wizard Van — but even if you aren’t, you’ll want to stop by and check it out!

Of course, they wouldn’t let the Wizard Van on the actual floor of Gen Con — it seems they drew the line at Ziggurats! So be sure to look for our DCC Ziggurat looming over the action in the Exhibit Hall and stop by our booth (#109) for a chat!

We’re looking forward to seeing you at Gen Con in a few weeks!

Author: admin

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