Announcing Our Gen Con DCC Funnel Adventure: The Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle

New DCC Players — Come Game With Us at GenCon!

Gen Con Event Registration opens next month and we’ll have lots of gaming — big and small — to sign up for round the clock.

This year, we are debuting a brand new adventure for new DCC players, The Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle, written by Brendan LaSalle — come join us for the premiere! This 0-level funnel runs in a 3-hour event slot just for new DCC players at Gen Con.

You will be able to register starting May 21st, but the events catalog will be published two weeks prior to this so check back at the Gen Con site. We’ll be running dozens of tables for The Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle: at 9 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Gen Con, plus a Sunday 9 am “hangover slot” for those still awake at that time!

The formerly quiet village of West Mauldeen is destroyed by a wizard that bursts through the earth and leaps to the moon. Now, the surviving villagers must claw their way up from the darkest fate and into the light. The courageous peasants must face unimaginable horrors and seek the council of the wisest of immortals if they hope to learn the secrets of the forsaken vault of the Crimson Oracle. This is a funnel adventure designed for play in 3 hours, making it ideal for short convention slots.

Join us for this fantastic way to experience the fun(nel) of Dungeon Crawl Classics — debuting at Gen Con 2023!

Author: admin

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