DCC Games Still Open for War of the Cyclops Con!

Tickets Available!

Head over to the War of the Cyclops Con page on Table Top Events, for a chance to register for any of these still-open games. Only two weeks left until the convention!

We’ve compiled a short list of some of the hottest must-play sessions currently wide open for players: from brand new DCC Dying Earth adventures to the classic DCC modules that reward repeat play, from horror to adventure to post-apocalypse to wild times with DCC Lankhmar, with plenty of ways to play including Zoom, Gather.Town, and Discord, as well as games using Virtual Table Tops, there is something for every style of online play!

Below is a list of Premiere and Road Reaver run RPGs with lots of seats left for gamers — be sure to check out the Events Schedule (and watch this space) for more amazing games for the upcoming War of the Cylops Con!

Premiere RPGs (Judged by our published adventure module authors!)

The Casement of Xanthla (Event 40) Saturday May 6th, 1:00 pm EST, Judge Julian Bernick

A motley collection of everyday people have awoke to found themselves horribly changed– each one is pierced by a collection of eerily glowing glass. Now they must band together to solve this mystery of the uncanny glass’s origin and remove the cursed stuff from their bodies.

DCC DEMO GAME — Learn to Play Dungeon Crawl Classics (Event 95, 96, & 97), Judge Jon Wilson

Come play a short demo game of Dungeon Crawl Classics — Find out exactly how mighty Mighty Deeds of Arms can be! Discover why Thieves are so Lucky! Learn how to Spellburn, and when! No experience needed, come on in! (We may finish faster than our 3-hour time slot, depending on player questions.)

Multiple Sessions Available:

  • (Event 95) Saturday May 6th 1:00 pm EST
  • (Event 96) Saturday May 6th, 6:00 pm EST
  • (Event 97) Sunday May 7th 2:00 pm EST

Road Reaver RPGs (Judged by experienced, well known Road Crew judges!)

DCC Umerica: Feast of the Mün Queen (Event 26) Saturday May 6th, 9:00 am EST, Judge Joan Troyer

Strange things begin to happen during a dinner party for the premiere of a new down homestyle cookbook written by Pearl. Pearl’s family, for generations, have lived in this small town in the mountains. Pearl suddenly is nowhere to be found. Where is she and why? We will play on Discord.

Veiled Vaults of the Onyx Queen (DCC 0-Level Funnel) (Event 14) Saturday May 6th, 2:00 pm EST, Judge Eric Betts

Imprisoned in opulence, marked for death, hunted by creatures both grotesque and foul, your ragged peasants must band together to brave the vile mysteries that haunt the strange place they have awakened to and save their very souls!

DCC Umerica: Feast of the Mün Queen (Event 25) Sunday May 7th, 9:00 am EST, Judge Joan Troyer

Strange things begin to happen during a dinner party for the premiere of a new down homestyle cookbook written by Pearl. Pearl’s family, for generations, have lived in this small town in the mountains. Pearl suddenly is nowhere to be found. Where is she and why? We will play on Discord.

Crimson Ooze Contagion (Event 94) Sunday May 7th, 10:00 am EST, Judge Cory Gahsman

The villagers of Mossy Hollow have begun to mutate into inhuman, mindless cannibals! Surely the alchemist Chandorn, who lives in the horned pyramid on the other side of Fogmoss Marsh, is to blame. Set out with your comrades, through the swamp, to get the answers you seek. (no VTT).

The Precipice of Corruption (Event 84) Sunday May 7th, 12:00 pm EST, Judge Michael Jones

The lands to the west are grim and foreboding. Hidden within the gnarled trees and thorny briars, the monsters — and men who live life as monsters — have settled in. Local hunters set out toward the western foothills. The group never returned. You and other villagers are tasked with finding them…


Arylin´s Fish (Event 55) Saturday May 6th, 9:00 am EST

A band of mischievous goblins stole a basket of magical fish during they yearly auction at the Rejuvenation Festival. Now the major has called upon the adventurers to recover the stolen fish before their rejuvenating powers are misused. A great adventure for 3rd level characters using the DCC rules.

Bone Tyrant’s Paradise: A Dungeon Grand Prix Funnel (Event 106) Saturday May 6th, 10:00 am EST

You are representing your villages in the Bone Tyrant’s deadly qualifying course. “Zeros,” BT’s booming voice echoes over the wasteland, “light all four beacons to gain access to my fortress where you will claim fame and fortune!” Kart racing rules and DCC funnel adventure by Orbital Intelligence

The ‘B’ Team (Event 81) Sunday May 7th, 8:00 am EST

The ranger hired by your village to stop the ogre raids hasn’t been seen or heard from in a fortnight. Welcome to plan B… A homespun funnel adventure for 0-level villagers. We’ll be using Discord for voice & video, Owlbear Rodeo for VTT, Google Drive for file sharing,

Lighthouse at Shipbreaker Shoals (Event 27) Sunday May 7th, 9:00 am EST

A legendary lighthouse, once illuminating the skies between Sagewood and the sea has gone dark. Who, or what, wanted the light exstinguished is unknown, but someone must find out. Will be using Owlbear Rodeo as the VTT.

Fae Harder: A Level 3 Weird Sci-Fi DCC Adventure (Event 107) Sunday May 7th, 12:00 pm EST

“Beings of the Red Moon, we demand that the freighter Cosimo be refueled or more incoming space flights will be lost and destroyed while we wait for our guest General Esperoidza Ramno to arrive.” A voice states over the gate’s intercom. In your head appears a timer counting down from 4 hours.

Caver Quest – A 0-Level Funnel Featuring a Living Cavern (Event 103) Sunday May 7th, 4:00 pm EST

Justin Sirois, of Severed Books, created Caver & Cube – Judge Mica converted them to DCC. Can you survive the living cave and it’s army of gelatinous cubes? If we use a VTT, it’ll be Owlbear Rodeo.

King Randalf’s Crusade – War of the Wyrm (Event 104) Sunday May 7th, 7:00 pm EST

King Randalf’s reign is drawing to a close and he’s decided to make his mark by going to war against the DRACONICS. Playtest a new DCC Class – the Crusader by Andras Baracs.

War of the Cyclops Con is coming up fast — May 6-7th 2023! This is Goodman Games’ sixth fully-virtual Cyclops Con, and it promises to be a weekend of online gaming, seminars, shopping, and socializing — at a computer near you! Get your Badge and Tickets at the link below!

Author: admin

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