A Weekend of Fun at DunDraCon!

Goodman Games returned to the mighty DunDraCon in Santa Clara, CA this past weekend, and a mighty, mighty convention it was . . . attendance was up at the ever-growing con and the amount of fun was up along with it!

Many Crypts of the Devil Lich found new homes, Tomes of Adventure learned to fly (off the shelves), Castle Heartache found solace in the arms of new admirers, and vintage GG shirts were claimed for lucky Bay Area fans. As for the games being played, pirates are gonna swing cutlasses, mutated human-fish hybrids are gonna stalk the beaches, and wizards of Azi Dahaka are gonna summon ethereal 7-headed hydras to do their bidding, melting everything and every one who stands in their way! The fun was apparent on both sides of the Judge’s Screen, to be sure.

We’d like to thank Chad Martens and the whole of the DunDraCon Committee for welcoming us again, and for putting on a great show! We certainly plan to return — and hope to see all who read this there next year!

Be sure to check the Goodman Games Convention Schedule for more great cons this year!

Author: admin

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