Zinequest is Here! Support Corvaxian Codex Third-Party DCC Project!

Did you know that crows have been known to show the same intelligence as a 7-year-old human child? And that’s in the real world. Imagine how smart they are in a fantasy setting…

Jeremy Shuman has kicked off Zinequest over on Kickstarter with his new release for DCC RPG! The Corvaxian Codex focuses on a new race for your game that has its roots—or in this case, feathers—in the world of ravens and crows.

Here’s info direct from the Kickstarter:

Corvaxian Codex introduces a new playable race of shapeshifters to your Dungeon Crawl Classics game.

These magical creatures have a historical tie to the elves, but their relationship is not especially friendly due to an ancient prank performed at the expense of the King of Elfland.

Inside you will learn who the Corvaxian are, where they make their home, what their special powers are, and how they view the world.

In addition, you will discover new spells, new Mercurial Magic options, and new occupations.

The campaign was launched and funded in a single day! Go show your support and help The Corvaxian Codex take flight!

Author: pandabrett

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