Thanks For a Great DCC Day!

DCC Day was a hit!

Thanks to all of those retailers and Friendly Local Game Stores that ordered kits and hosted games of DCC and MCC yesterday — you make our one day celebration of all things DCC possible! And to all of those gamers who made the trip to their local, or perhaps who ran games of their own if they couldn’t make it to a participating store, we salute you! Goodman Games firmly believes we have the very best fans around, and the great fun had by all on DCC Day is proof of that! Thanks to everyone for making yesterday a great day.

Much of the social media buzz around DCC Day seems to involve especially brutal funnels and the fragility of 0-level characters — all as it should be! Of course, there were many folks posting pics of their successful merch hauls, like this one from redditor marshmallowsanta below — and the good news for everyone that wasn’t able to grab these books in the wild, is that they are now available in PDF from the online store!

DCC Day 2022 Adventure Pack – PDF

DCC Day Adventure Pack 2022 now in PDF format!

Contains two all-new adventures! Incident at Toad Fork for DCC RPG and The Last Life Guardian for MCC RPG!

Incident at Toad Fork – A Level 2 Adventure for DCC RPG

The Harvest Moon dance is a joyous annual tradition, and folks come from all over the mountains to drink, dance, and enjoy fellowship with their neighbors and kin. Upon this occasion, however, a shadow passes across this beloved event and the elders ask for volunteers to investigate an incident that most of those present fear to be the work of un-holy forces. 

Incident at Toad Fork is a 2nd level adventure set in the Shudder Mountains. Shudfolk heroes will have to make their way across the mountains, show courage against savage creatures, deal with the mysterious figure known as Mister Sharpe, and find a way to free a group of wayward youngsters least the darkness take their souls. 

The Last Life Guardian – A Level 2 Adventure for MCC RPG

A chance encounter with a dying outland trader yields a terrific tale of horror and hope. A pure strain human wizard with the ability to heal and even bring the dead back to life is being held prisoner by savage mutants within a time-ravaged superstructure of the Ancient Ones. 

The village Rememberers have decreed the trapped wizard must be none other than a fabled Life Guardian, a surviving member of an ancient pre-disaster order sworn to heal and protect mankind – and he must be rescued! 

Now it is you, the boldest of the village seekers who must set out beneath the red and bloated sun to brave the perilous wilds and dire creatures of Terra A.D. in search of the last Life Guardian… 

DCC Day #3: Chanters in the Dark – PDF

From DCC Day 2022! A level 1 adventure for DCC RPG!

The subterranean river thunders into the darkness…and there, before it plunges into the Abyss, the ship crashes onto the rocks. Stranded on the dark stony beach, the PCs must deal with beast-men, strange growths, and the Caretaker if they wish to escape. Deep below Aerth, the Chanters in the Dark plot against the surface world. The PCs must uncover their mysteries if they ever wish to see the sun again.

Dungeon Crawl Classics – The Book of Fallen Gods – PDF

From DCC Day 2022!

Lingering since the dawn of the multiverse are a cabal of deposed deities: the Un-Gods. These entities are the innate forces of the cosmos—entropy, love, power, creation, and life—that influence creatures, nations, planets, and galaxies alike. Each has vast power at their command and are willing to share that supremacy with those willing to forge compacts with them. But all such bonds come with a price, a price not all are willing—or capable—of paying.

The Book of Fallen Gods introduces seven new patrons for use in your Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG campaign. With powers ranging from love to destruction, one of them is bound to tempt your players to seek a bond with them. 

Author: admin

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