Schedule Your Free RPG Day Game Now!

Schedule now to beat the rush!

Free RPG Day is right around the corner — June 25th! We’ve already announced our free releases, and now is the time to schedule your in-store game. If you don’t already know of a participating store near you, check out the Free RPG Day Retail Locator for a complete list.

Contact them now and offer to run a game, or inquire if there are games currently scheduled that you can jump into. Free RPG Day is a day-long celebration of our favorite hobby, with an emphasis on local players and game stores connecting with one another and bringing the fun of RPGs out from the dinning room table and into the public space of your FLGS.

Even if you don’t have time to for gaming, make sure you’ve found a store to get your goodies at! After all, it is FREE RPG Day…

Author: admin

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