Goodman Games Donates $1,500 to SF-Marin Food Bank with Bundle of Holding

The recent Goodman Gems Bundle of Holding was a tremendous deal featuring a whole library’s worth of system-neutral books at an amazing price, but it was also a huge success for a terrifically worthy cause! Because of all of the support from our great community, the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, a non-profit community food bank committed to providing essentials to people in need, will receive $1,500 to aid in their fight against hunger. All because of fans like you!

Goodman Games would like to thank the good folks over at Bundle of Holding for setting this up and making the whole thing possible, and of course we extend a huge thanks to all of our generous fans who showed their support for the SF-Marin Food Bank. Not all heroes swing a sword or sling a spell, and the world is just that much better through your kindness. Thank you.

And speaking of worthy causes, our current Fifth Edition Fantasy Humble Bundle is still ongoing and, in addition to being a terrific deal, it benefits the Global Foodbanking Network.,

Author: admin

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