Watch DCC #100 Real Play on YouTube

While the Kickstarter for DCC #100: The Music of the Spheres is Chaos continues to grow, the author of the adventure—Mr. Harley Stroh—has provided a pair of real-play sessions to show everyone exactly how the module works. Specifically, he highlights the amazing spinning wheel map and how it affects the adventurers with every turn of the puzzle.

Both sessions of the real-play originally broadcast on Twitch are now available to watch over on the Goodman Games YouTube Channel. These shows are just a taste of the full adventure, providing an appetizer to the full meal that is our biggest and most bold adventure ever published for DCC RPG.

Join Harley and his band of ragtag reavers as they explore the depths of the Theophages’ Grand Alembic!

Eons past, a society of vision-haunted philosopher-kings marched their armies into a mountain fortress at the top of the world. On their backs, they bore a legendary treasure-hoard: coffers spilling over with blazing gems, strongboxes bright with gold, and the jeweled idols of a thousand gods. They were never seen again.

Today those once-imperious halls are coated with dust and ice. Memories of the fabled treasure hoard – and the heretical Theophages – are lost to antiquity.

But deep within the heart of the mountain, the flames of Chaos sputter and flare.

Welcome to Dungeon Crawl Classics #100: The Music of the Spheres is Chaos, our most ambitious adventure to date! Over six years in the making, this boxed set for DCC RPG features a unique and daunting dungeon map composed of four spinning sub-maps. You have never seen a dungeon map like this one.

In addition, the adventure is supported with a spinning alembic key, copious player handouts and puzzles, and all the judge’s tools you’ll need to challenge the fiercest of reavers and cutthroats. Designed for 5th level adventurers, this adventure will span several gaming sessions. It takes your PCs from the sordid dives of Punjar to the highest peaks of the known world, and into the very heart of creation as they strive against a monster birthed from raw chaos.

You won’t mistake this dungeon for any other adventure, anywhere, ever.

Author: pandabrett

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