Watch Danger Stranger Play DCC Lankhmar on Twitch Tonight!

Adventure in the unforgiving streets of Lankhmar tonight with Danger Stranger!

Tonight at 10:00 p.m. EST head on over to the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel for an extra-large helping of skullduggery as the Danger Strangers find out that the mad, cruel streets of The City of the Black Toga don’t get any easier just because you’ve survived to level one.

Join the crew from Defenders of Kobold as they live play DCC Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar and discover that small stakes only stay that way just so long as the bodies don’t start piling up . . .

And while you wait, check out the massive Danger Stranger YouTube archive of past live plays for an entire world of online adventure.

Hop in the van adventurer…IF YOU DARE!

Author: admin

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