Where to Find More From Loot The Body

Looking for more Loot the Body after their amazing album debut at Empire of the Cyclops Con? Look no further!

We’ve gotten lots of enthusiastic comments about Loot the Body’s recent preview of their latest album, Hex Volume 2. Over the course of a convention that offered lots of surprises and interesting extras, having RPG-themed music videos streaming on the official twitch channel was one of the biggest. They even honored one of the most beloved DCC funnels of all time with their piece “Sailing the Starless Sea!”

To check out more from Loot the Body, take a look at their YouTube channel for songs and videos riffing on subjects near and dear to our hearts. And over on bandcamp you can check out and purchase all of their music — that is, once you’ve looted the bodies of enough kobolds to pay for it!

Loot the Body is an LA-based musical group that produces psych indie rock inspired by classic sci-fi, fantasy, and D&D. For several years, Loot the Body has been paying musical homage to Appendix N and classic RPG adventures. Most recently they debuted six songs from their latest album at Goodman Games Empire of the Cyclops Con.

Author: admin

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