Prepare for More Tales From The Magician’s Skull

The Skull has issued his orders, and we have obeyed! The journey of Tales From the Magician’s Skull shall continue past issue #6 and into the future! It is time for More Tales From the Magician’s Skull!

Tales From the Magician’s Skull is a printed fantasy magazine dedicated to presenting all-new sword-and-sorcery fiction by the finest modern crafters in the genre. These stories are the real thing, crammed with sword-swinging action, dark sorceries, dread, and ferocious monsters—and they hurtle forward at a headlong pace.

Over the past several years, we have published 6 issues to great acclaim, including the first new Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser story in decades. The stories were well-received, and the fans demanded—more! MORE! We hear you, fans, and the Skull is prepared to grant your desire!

This upcoming Kickstarter launches issues #7 and beyond, as well as subscriptions to future issues. Follow the Kickstarter now so you are alerted the moment it goes live!

And you can grab the current issue of Tales From the Magician’s Skull—featuring the return of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser in all-new stories—anywhere that quality publications are sold. Including our online store.

Author: pandabrett

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