By the fans, for the fans — it’s the Road Crew Advisory Council!
We are pleased to announce the formation of the Road Crew Advisory Council, a dedicated group of gamers to provide fan-based input for our stalwart Road Crew. After all, there would be no Fellowship of the Ring without a Council of Elrond to point them in the right direction — for one does not simply drive a riotously-muraled wizard van into Mordor!
The Advisory Council will be chaired by Brendan LaSalle, and will consist of community members who have been active in the Road Crew. Its initial members have been personally selected by the Goodman Gang, but as the future opens up we plan to allow more individuals to request to participate.
The first inaugural meeting of the Road Crew Advisory Council will be held soon, and it will be a chance for these representatives of the fan community to advise Goodman Games from the fan’s own unique perspective — including ideas for next year’s swag!
Look for more information on this august body of committed gamers in the weeks to come.