Announcing the DCC Day 2021 Lineup

We’re proud to announce the lineup for DCC Day 2021!

This year will again have two releases: The DCC Day 2021 Adventure Pack and DCC Day #2: Beneath the Well of Brass. Let’s look at the details.

DCC Day 2021 Adventure Pack will be available for FREE on DCC Day, and will contain three new adventures: “Temple Siege” for DCC by Julian Bernick, “Fathoms Beneath Witch Isle” for DCC Dying Earth by Marc Bruner, and “The Neverwhen Rock” for MCC by Bob Brinkman.

DCC Day #2: Beneath the Well of Brass is a brand-new adventure by Harley Stroh, available for $10 on DCC Day.

This year, to accommodate the many differing local conditions, DCC Day items will be available online and at your FLGS. Visit a participating retailer to get the adventure pack for FREE and buy the exclusive new module on DCC Day!

Prices will be the same for both online and in retail stores: free for adventure pack, and $10 for Beneath the Well of Brass. However, if you order from the Goodman Games online store, there will still be a shipping cost, and the items will not go on sale until the actual day of DCC Day—so, accounting for shipping, the items will actually arrive after the event.

To help make things fun, we encourage you to check with your local retailer about the possibility of running in-store events during DCC Day! PLEASE be sure to obey all safety guidelines for your area, and follow all health protocols.

Goodman Games will also be hosting an online games day to help celebrate the event. More news on that as we get closer to DCC Day itself.

Retailers interested in taking part should email for full details.

We look forward to everyone celebrating another year of Dungeon Crawl Classics with our second DCC Day event, June 26, 2021!

Author: pandabrett

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