Amazing Items Up For Auction at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

The Goodman Games crew has been hard at work raiding their attic lairs and spelunking their subterranean vaults to come up with the coolest, most utterly unique, most staggeringly one-of-a-kind items for our Spawn of Cylops Con Auction! Our artists, designers, authors, staff, and contributors of all kinds have dug deep into their personal collections and found an amazing array of curiosities and special items you just won’t see anywhere else.

Our auctions will be live-streamed on the Goodman Games Twitch channel on Friday, February 26th starting at 9:00 PM EST — and continuing until everything has been auctioned off. A portion of the proceeds of all auction funds will go to benefit our Con’s charity partner, the Franklin Food Bank.

Here’s a teaser of just some of the unique finds you’ll be able to bid on this Friday.

From the personal collection of Joseph Goodman:

Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King, the true 3rd printing, with misprinted inside cover

“DCC #1 sold well and we had to reprint it several times. Each time it received new cover art, and for the third printing Jim Holloway painted the cover. This version was to premiere at an early Gen Con – I think 2005 or maybe 2004. The printer shipped the advance copies to Gen Con so we could sell them at the show before the bulk shipment arrived. When I opened the book at booth setup, I discovered that it had been mis-printed! . . . I pulled the copies since they weren’t salable. . . I gave them out to the DCC tournament judges that year as a “bonus prize,” . . . There are maybe 10-20 copies of this module in the hands of the public, in the possession of those early Gen Con tournament judges. The rest of the print run was pulped by the printer before it ever left their dock. This copy is one of the very few still in existence.”

DCC RPG core rulebook, 4th printing, printer dummy, slipcase edition

“During the printing process, the printer will construct a physical mockup of the book and ship it to me. I call this the printer dummy. For large hardbacks, it’s essentially a book of blank white pages. This particular printer dummy is from the DCC RPG core rulebook, 4th printing. This was the printing that we did in several cover variants (with the seven pointed star of Sezrekan on two of them), and where we also did gilded edges and thumb tabs. . . What you actually get is the blank white book (at the exact dimensions of the DCC core rulebook), a blank white slipcase, several blank white module-sized books, and the card stock mailing carton that it shipped in – plus a cool printer label with all the specs. Please note that this book has no contents! This item would make a great journal or notebook. Record your own campaign in here!”

From the personal collection of Harley Stroh:

Rise of the Blight-Mage

“After leaving his college gaming group to chase a girl, Harley’s sole gaming outlet was writing adventures for his old crew. Written before he had ever run a game of 3/3.5e, this is the adventure that would go on to become his first published adventure, DCC 17: Legacy of the Savage Kings.”

(Elven Wizard not included)

From the personal collection of Dieter Zimmerman:

Dieter’s souvenirs of Gen Cons past

“Includes ‘I wrote a DCC’ button from 2007, the death save spinner button, Indy Convention Center map and GG event grid from 2019, magic item/creature/other cards used in the Death By Nexus tournament, my character from Punjar 50,000 (Assistant Sergeant Jalopy of the Punjar Police), and my 2014 exhibitor badge with badge ribbons and buttons (Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad, Elfwood d6, and some random monster from Fiend Folio.)”

From the personal collection of Chris Doyle:

DCC #0

“This is an author’s comp copy of DCC#0. It’s a true first printing as it has a sickly green cover. These were only available at DunDraCon in 2005? or 2006? The retail version was sickly yellow color. The green cover version was limited to 100 copies.”

From the personal collection of Brendan LaSalle:

Old Notebook

“This is my old convention notebook. I brought this with me to many shows beginning with GenCon 2013, and ran countless games from my notes within. Among other things, this notebook includes the following bits of history: The first draft of Xcrawl: Dungeon Detonation (originally titled Circus Maximus, Pathfinder rules), the first brainstorm of Hole in the Sky, the first brainstorm of Lost in the Briars, my notes on my first thoughts on the DCC system and the adventure ideas it gave me . . . my OD&D character from the one time I played with Michael Mornard, a super early draft of Neon Knights, the original draft of The Inn at Five Points, the first draft of my Xcrawl Apocalypse adventure . . . the earliest draft of my as-yet-unpublished DCC adventure Symptom of the Universe, and lots of random bits and bobs. Phone numbers and last names to be scratched out before shipping.”

From the personal collection of Stefan Poag:

Original Art: Acrylic and Ink Painting

Acrylic and ink painting for Goodman Games, used on dice tube and other MCC products, of “rover” character, 2017. Approximately 22 inches by 13 inches, watercolor paper backed with foamcore wrapped in plastic.

From the Personal Collection of Michael Curtis:

Chained Coffin Reprint Proof Copy

“This is the spiral bound printer’s proof copy of the Chained Coffin hardcover . . . before the proof went to print. It’s a one of a kind item. It has all the text and maps as they appear in the printed version, but is lacking some art. Text spacers are present where the missing art is intended to be inserted.”

Original TSR Lankhmar Board Game

“The original Lankhmar TSR release, this is a hex-and-chit style board/wargame based on the wargame originally created and played by Fritz Leiber and Harry Otto Fischer. It was the production of this game that came about from the correspondence between Gary Gygax and Fritz Leiber, and led TSR to acquire the original license to produce game material set in Leiber’s world of Nehwon. The game is complete and from Michael’s personal collection of Lankhmar gaming material.”

So how does this whole virtual online auction thing work? Our auctioneer Jim Kitchen provides an overview:

When Joe asked me if I would be willing to help with the Spawn of Cyclops Con auction I heartily agreed. It’s an opportunity for people to find unusual items to add to their collections and raise some money for a great charity. With that in mind I wanted to talk to a few things before Friday night.

This is a charity auction and as such we’re trying to raise money for Franklin Food Bank. Charity auctions are a great chance for people’s generosity to come through so please bid from your heart and bid to win. (Charity auctions aren’t a place to look for bargains!) We have some truly amazing one of a kind items that we’re all very excited about. The channel will be a lot of silly fun, bad jokes and possibly the most fun you can have on a Friday night.

Items won will have invoices generated for the winners. Once paid the items will ship out following Spawn of Cyclops Con. Invoices will include shipping costs but no other additional amounts. (Handling, auction premiums, etc.)

Due to the nature of the Twitch stream we’re trying to make this as easy as possible for attendees to bid and win. Here’s how we will be handling it:

Items will be previewed in the live channel with pictures and special appearances from people to discuss them.

The auction’s opening, bidding and closing will be handled in the auction Twitch chat stream. We will begin bidding by saying “Bidding is now open on item #X”. Interested bidders will then begin bidding, in even dollar amounts, in the Twitch chat channel.

When bidding slows down and we feel the auction has run it’s course we will begin closing the auction with, “Auction is ending” followed by “Going” “Going!” and “Gone” at which point the auction is now closed. Any bids submitted after “Gone” will not be accepted. We will then announce “The winner of Item #X with the winning bid of $X is _” in the chat channel.

Winners of items should then email with their Twitch handle, the item number of the item they won and their winning amount. (We will also have a record of the transaction.) This will allow us to begin preparing invoices for items to ship out the week following Spawn of Cyclops Con. If you win multiple items that’s great! You will only receive a single invoice.

Non-paying bidders will endure the scorn of the Dark Master, be plagued with insects and vermin and face a destiny of poor dice roles. We will do our best to reach out to second place bidders if the situation requires.

Thanks so much for taking the time out of your Friday night for jumping into this, the first ever Cyclops Con Charity Auction. If it goes well we intend to make it a staple of every Cyclops Con going forward!

See you all Friday, February 26th at 9:00 PM EST on the Goodman Games Twitch channel for the Spawn of Cyclops Con Auction!

Author: admin

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