Saturday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con


The first day has been buried in the past, but day two has been re-energized by the electricity that is Bride of Cyclops Con!

Our Judges let us know that the first day of the DCC RPG Team Tournament: Return to the Starless Sea was met with many a TPK. Yet, some teams have persevered! Who will make it to the finals tomorrow? Only time will tell!

Now let’s look at what’s happening over on Twitch today!

Twitch Schedule for Saturday, October 17

10:00 am EST – In the Studio with Stefan Poag

Join artist Stefan Poag LIVE in his studio!

1:00 pm EST – Finding the New Edge for Fiction Writers

Seven modern crafters of heroic fiction and sword-and-sorcery sit down to discuss how they plot stories and create characters.

3:00 pm EST – Ask me Anything – Joseph Goodman

Now’s your chance to ask the Dark Master anything!

4:00 pm EST – Getting Sword & Sorcery Into Your Role-Playing Game

Four veteran game masters talk about tips and tricks for getting your game sessions to feel more like a rip-snorting sword-and-sorcery tale.

6:00 pm EST – Xcrawl Live

XCRAWL LIVE! Watch DJ Lich, DJ THACO, and DJ Turkie as we bring big dungeon crawl energy to the stream screen. Cheer, jeer, and grab a beer. The Big Game is on.

10:00 pm EST – DCC College

Join the gang of fantastic (and some infamous) DCC judges to hear tips and suggestions on how to be a better judge! Glowburn Audio Wizard Hector Cruz will be the MC, supported by acclaimed judges Jeff Goad, Forrest Aguirre, Joan of Arc, Marc Plourde, and Dan Steeby.

Hallway Hangouts Social Chats

Want a place to hang out between games? Well, at a physical convention you’d do that in the hallway, so…we’ve created virtual hallways! Actually, we’re modeling them after basements, and have even posted some cool 70’s style basement backdrops for you to use. In any case, here’s the hangout times. And remember, these tickets are FREE! So come hang out and be social!

Games With Open Seats

Looking for a last-minute game to play? You’re in luck! Here are some events that you can still squeeze into and play today!

12:00 noon EST – Event 12 –  Persecution Complex – Mister Mutant (DCC RPG)

In a futuristic dystopian society, citizens are conscripted randomly to hunt dissidents and traitors in a public execution ritual called Jury Duty. For fans of Paranoia and Judge Dredd.

6:00 pm EST – Event 195 – DCC Battle Royale: The Slave Pits of Lost Agharta (DCC RPG)

Wrenched from a dozen different realities, you and your newfound companions battle for survival against fellow slaves for the amusement of elephantine overlords! Pit your brawn, cruelty, and cunning against fellow slaves, alien beasts, and wicked traps, in a desperate bid for survival as the rising wine-dark seas drive you ever onward!

Seminars With Open Seats

6:00 pm EST – Event 205 – What’s New with DCC Third Party Publishing?

Armed with endless enthusiasm and an open license to produce DCC/MCC RPG related content, indie game designers have been cranking out awesome content. Hang out with designers Christophor Rick (2 Old Guys Games), Rev. Dak (Crawl!), Trevor Stamper (Blind Visionary Publications), Jonathan Snodgrass Tuesday Night Fiend Club), James Pozenel (Horseshark Games), Mike Evans (DIY RPG), Aaron Kreader (Studio 9 Games), and Nick Baran (Breaker Press Games) as they discuss current and future projects.

Author: pandabrett

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