New DCC Podcast: Mighty Deeds Is Here!

Raise your arms and swing those weapons! It’s time for some Mighty Deeds!

Joining the cast of the DCC-inspired podcasts is the new one from the folks at The Murfreesboro Murder Hobo Old-School Gaming Association, Mighty Deeds!

These one-hour episodes recant the adventures of a group of gallant folks as they attempt to navigate a somewhat familiar horror-based adventure as a Dungeon Crawl Classics funnel.

Here’s the description from the podcast homepage:

Mighty Deeds is a podcast of high adventure. If you Like Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeon Crawl Classics, or any other brand of Fantasy Adventure Actual Play podcasts, please give Mighty Deeds a try. We’re starting off with a Ravenloft / Curse of Strahd funnel, but where things go from there is anyone’s guess. Be on the lookout for more Goodman Games adventures in the party’s future

So go give them a try! They are available almost everywhere that you can listen to a podcast. New episodes are posted regularly.

Author: pandabrett

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