You All Deserve a Merit Badge

What do you get when you take 500 gamers and hurl them into online gaming all at once? CYCLOPS CON!

Whether you are a judge, player, or bewildered spectator, give yourself a pat on the back for conquering online gaming this past weekend. Through the course of this, we’ve all learned a lot about Zoom, Roll20, Twitch, Discord, and every other online gaming tool.

It’s been a quick trip to the deep end of the pool. We’ll all emerge fully capable of meeting new and old friends online to keep gaming together over the coming weeks. Social distancing won’t stop us—or YOU!

You did it, folks. You did it. Welcome to online gaming. And you know what? You deserve a merit badge for it. This accomplishment deserves some recognition. So we present to you: the official Cyclops Con merit badge. Display it. Hashtag it. Gram it. Wear it. You earned it!

Author: pandabrett

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