Now in Our Online Store: Free PDF With Print Purchase!

You read that right! Almost every Goodman Games product in the online store now comes with a free PDF when you purchase the print title—at no additional cost! 

We’ve been offering free PDFs with print purchases on select releases for more than 5 years, and have been steadily ramping up the project. We’ve now gone through the entire online store and added PDFs to almost everything that’s still in print!

Why “almost” everything? Well, some titles are produced under license. In some cases, those licenses are just for the print edition (notably our Original Adventures Reincarnated line). So for those lines, we cannot offer a PDF. Additionally, we sell third-party items on our web site. We are in the process of working with those partners to get PDFs added to their titles—and we expect news there very soon. 

As of right now, you can get a free PDF if you purchase print items in these lines: 

Starting now, you can buy your print product in any of those lines and immediately get access to the PDF version. (Though, you MUST have a Goodman Games account to access any purchased PDF.)

So head on over to our Online Store and grab yourself a book. Chances are you’re going to get a PDF to go right along with it.

Author: pandabrett

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