Last Chance for Forgotten Rites Kickstarter!

Only hours remain to support the first third-party DCC Kickstarter of 2020!

Psychoda Press brings you The Forgotten Rites of the Moldering Dead, an RPG supplement containing tables to enhance and generate all facets of the dead, the un-dead, funerary rituals, and death rites. It is also completely compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics.

They’ve already met their base goals, and are well into the stretch goals, so you can help it reach new levels. The Forgotten Rites of the Moldering Dead is live and waiting for you to join its icy embrace! …in a good way.

Let’s look at those stretch goals!

  •  UNLOCKED $2,400 James Pozenel creates a new patron.
  •  UNLOCKED $4,400 Donn works with James Pozenel to write a couple of necromancy spells for use with DCC RPG.
  •  UNLOCKED $6,400 Donn Stroud writes the adventure “The Mysteries of the Encroaching, Restless Death” (working title only) and included it in The Forgotten Rites of the Moldering Dead.
  •  UNLOCKED $10,000 More art, more contributions, and I can pay the collaborators a little bit more. 
  • Unlock at $12,000 A mini-adventure that takes your party off to the Land of the Dead to meet an ancient demi-god of the early hunters for 0 level adventuring parties. This adventure module will be included in the book. 

Four out of five are unlocked, and the fifth and final one is well within reach! Let’s get this book over the top!

So if you’re feeling a little like death warmed over—and not because you have the flu—or just want to have that not-so-alive feeling added to your game, you need to go support this Kickstarter!

Author: jmcdevitt

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