Visit us at Strategicon: Gateway!

The Strategicon conventions come but thrice a year—and only one chance remains in 2019 to make it out!

Come see Goodman Games at Strategicon: Gateway on Labor Day Weekend, August 30th through September 2nd at the Airport Hilton in Los Angeles.

We’ll have The Chained Coffin hardbacks, DCC Lankhmar, the latest Mutant Crawl Classics adventure, Tales of the Magician’s Skull No. 3, The deluxe version of Sailors on the Starless Sea, the last few copies of The Inn at Five Points in the wild, SCADS of T-shirts, and much more—maybe even a classic Appendix N novel or three for your reading pleasure!

Summer’s winding down! It’s time to get your game on one more time, Southland!

WHAT: Strategicon: Gateway
WHEN: August 30 – September 2
WHERE: Hilton Los Angeles Airport

Author: pandabrett

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