How Wayne Built The Gen Con Obelisks of Doom



GangAtBooth_2018One of the most popular features of our Gen Con booth is the DCC imagery. Fans love the painted back drops, the artist booths, and seeing all the amazing new art. In 2017 they loved the Gong of Doom, and its use to let all know another brave soul had fallen. As you approached the Gen Con booth in 2018, you were greeted by the latest prizes of The Dark Master. This year the newest additions were The Obelisks of Doom!

BoothinAction_2018Crafted to look like ancient Stygian relics flying the DCC RPG banner, these strange artifacts doubled as book storage at the edge of our display, and many a DCC core rulebook was dispensed with their foul curse attached. The creator of these relics is the legendary Wayne Snyder. The same Wayne of WayneCon, artificer of The Gong of Doom, and now The Obelisk Overlord. Wayne recently posted on his blog about the process of creating these monuments. The atramentous artisan goes into great detail on the construction—and you can read all about it on his blog.

So click on over to the article and read about the adventure of creating The Gen Con Obelisks of Doom!

If you enjoy that article, you might also want to take a moment to read about how he built The Gong of Doom, on another of his blog entries.


Author: pandabrett

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