Gen Con 2018 Player Survey


It still just feels like yesterday that we were in Indianapolis, meeting fans and having a great time at Gen Con. It was a fabulous time, and we hope that you enjoyed it just as much as we did. We’ve even recapped the trip from all aspects—from what we debuted at the con to the folks who tear down the booth—but we aren’t done yet.

All of the folks who participated in any of our sponsored events were asked to fill out a form, giving us your email address and asking permission to email you after the show was over. The show is over. Expect an email.

We are sending out Gen Con surveys, and if you were a part of the 2018 Gen Con Goodman Games event experience, you can expect to see one soon—and some of you might have seen one already! We send these out to get feedback so that we can make our future Gen Cons—and every convention, really—a better experience. This is a way that you can make next year’s show better than this year’s. A chance to help us become an even better company.

It’s not a secret that we love our fans. That you guys are the blood that keeps our company going. We WANT to know what you think. It’s important to us.

So if one shows up in your inbox, please fill out the survey. Tell us how your games went. What was right and what was wrong. We’d love to hear from you!

After all, it’s only 300 days until Gen Con 2019….


Author: pandabrett

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