Gen Con 2018: New Releases, Round One!


We’re inching closer to the biggest show of the year: Gen Con 2018! Expect to see some regular updates on the show as we prepare for the event and prime the gears for the best convention ever! Make sure to check with us daily to get the latest scoop on what to expect from Goodman Games at Gen Con 2018!

Today we start off with one of the most anticipated bits of news: new releases! Below you will find SOME of the new releases that will be appearing at the Goodman Games booth. Expect to see some more product announced soon, but we don’t want to overwhelm you, so let’s kick it off with a handful of products debuting at Gen Con 2018!

DCC #98: Imprisoned in the God Skull

A Level 6 Adventure for DCC RPG!

It hangs like a grim moon over the world, an ancient prison fashioned from the divine remains of a dead god. Within this ivory prison is an evil so powerful that even the Scions of Law could not destroy it. Soon, however, its long imprisonment may be at an end.

An alien mass of writhing, terrible life has emerged from the Void of the Stars to collide with the floating prison, unleashing even stranger foes into the God-Skull. As the Keepers of the prison and their monk allies fight the invaders, that ancient evil begins to plot its escape. Can the heroes intervene to both repel the alien invaders before they reach the world below and keep a terrible power imprisoned? Or will one or both threats tear the world apart in a campaign of conquest and revenge?

Imprisoned in the God-Skull is a 6th level Dungeon Crawl Classic adventure born from the extraordinary artist genius of Erol Otus and the fantastical writings of Michael Curtis. The two have joined forces and conceived a DCC RPG adventure that is, quite literally, out of this world!

MCC #9: Evil of the Ancients

A Level 3 Adventure for MCC RPG!

For centuries it has lurked in the dark, forgotten by man and mutant – a terrible entity left behind by the Ancients’ meddling in cosmic forces they did not fully understand. Trapped in this world, this alien intellect seeks only to escape, but to do so, it requires lives. What the adventurers think is just another forgotten vault left behind by the Ancients may in truth contain the most terrifying threat they’ve ever face: the Evil of the Ancients!

Writer Michael Curtis delves into this ancient evil beneath a new cover by artist Peter Mullen.

Fifth Edition Fantasy #15: Drowning Caverns of the Fish-God

A level 10 adventure for 5E!

The village of Drydale has a problem. People are disappearing in the night. Worse, some return bearing the scars of a horrific surgical procedure and possess strange new powers. These unfortunates have no memory of their ordeal beyond a terrible vision of drowning in the dark. The adventurers arrive in time to stop a group of icthyoid monstrosities from abducting Drydale’s blacksmith, and then track the creatures back to a network of caverns. There they face a host of enslaved minions and uncover an otherworldly evil lurking in the black waters beneath the mountain. Will the heroes end the threat to Drydale? Can they avoid eternal servitude in the drowning caverns of the fish god?

Written by Aeryn Rudel with cover art by David Griffith.

DCC #81: The One Who Watches From Below, 2nd Printing

A Level 1 Adventure for DCC RPG!

The rumors are true! The secret cave of the mystics holds a hoard of treasure vast enough to buy the kingdom seven times over. Gold coins piled as high as snow banks! Gleaming swords and jewel-encrusted wands crackling with arcane energy! Precious gems as large as your fist! The only thing standing between your present circumstances and a life of fabulous wealth is a pesky, slumbering elder god with a penchant for consuming entire worlds, an endless army of vat-grown hybrid monstrosities, a veritable tidal wave of disembodied eyes with awesome powers, giant acid worms, and a curse with the power to rip the still-living eyes from your skull. Do you have the mettle to stare down a god or will your eyes forever adorn the vault of The One Who Watches From Below?

The second printing includes an additional 8 pages of new content, with a complete patron description for Shigazilnizthrub plus three new spells. The cover for the second printing also has the title printed in metallic foil. The adventure is written by Jobe Bittman, with cover and cartography by Doug Kovacs.

DCC #74: Blades Against Death, 2nd Printing

A Level 4 Adventure for DCC RPG

Punjar: wide-eyed madmen stalk the streets pronouncing the end of days, mail-clad priests crush the skulls of heathens underfoot, and timorous virgins are offered up in sacrifice within sooty temples. But even the greatest of shining temples and the strangest of mystery cults don’t dare to challenge the terrifying finality of death.

Until now. In Blades Against Death, the adventurers cross between the realms of the living and the dead, and wager their souls in a desperate bid to steal a soul from Death’s hoary grasp. To win over the God of Dooms, you must be the most daring, stalwart and cunning and – when all else fails – willing to test your blades against Death!

A mid-level adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing GameBlades against Death offers characters a once in a lifetime escapade. Those that return from the Realms of the Dead will have earned the true title of adventurer, while those that fail will spend eternity in Death’s service.

In addition to the original adventure by Harley Stroh, the new printing also includes the new mini-adventure “Abbott of the Woods” by Harley Stroh, as well as the four Tarot Card handouts now printed in full color. The cover remains the classic by Doug Kovacs.

How about those five beauties! And this is just the START of what you can expect to find at Gen Con 2018! We’ll be updating with more Goodman goodies very soon!


Author: pandabrett

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