Marzio Won The Rodneys!

GameHole Con has been everything we expected! Wonderful fans, fabulous games, and to top it all off, a big-time announcement!


Last night we were very excited to present the 2017 Rodneys Design Award (DCC Track) to this year’s winner, Marzio Muscedere! His adventure submission “The Star Wound of Abaddon” is an exciting fantasy world just waiting for your players to adventure within.

The adventure is set in a world that has literally been scarred by the fall of a comet. And from that fallen orb has stepped a monster intent on ruling everything….

A huge thanks to Marzio for his spectacular concept! We look forward to seeing it brought to life! And another thanks to everyone who submitted their ideas. We had many great choices, and choosing a winner was anything but easy!

We look forward to seeing what you put together for next year’s program!

Author: pandabrett

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