Run a DCC Game for Free RPG Day and Win a Trip to Gen Con!

Win-a-Trip-to-GenConThe magic of Free RPG Day is only three weeks away! This is the perfect opportunity to get new players into Dungeon Crawl Classics, and we want YOU to help! Not only are we willing to support you with all kinds of freebies by becoming a part of our Road Crew, but THREE lucky people are going to win a trip to Gen Con to join the Goodman Games Crew! You get all of the details here, but the gist of it is that you need to register to run a Road Crew event in June. Any DCC event will do, but Free RPG Day is the perfect opportunity to make this happen!

Once you have an event, make sure you register it with Judge Brendan (details here), and contact Sanctum Santorum to get it listed with them as well. We will send you swag to give away at the event, and you get registered to potentially win a trip to Indianapolis for Gen Con this August!

Remember, Free RPG Day is on Saturday, June 17th, so get to your FLGS (and you can always use our Retailer Locator to find Goodman-friendly stores near you!) and get yourself lined up to run a DCC event in their store! We’re counting on you!

Author: pandabrett

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