Gary Con IX Recap

Gary Con IX Recap

We’re all recovering from that ritual of old-school revelry known as Gary Con, but even so we shake free of our weighty torpor to bring you news! Gobs of fun games were played, the booth was hopping with hordes of fervent fans, and numerous Goodman crew were on site to sign autographs and have a good time! It was even better than that year Hugh Heftblade showed up and saved us all from the Goat Cult!

The Strongest Judge Contest

The Strongest Judge contest was sheer brawn on display! We ran four heats then the two finalists did a round two. The winner, Dylan the Unyielding (see photos below), held up 55+ pounds of product for over 3 minutes. It drew a huge crowd.

T-Shirts and TPK Tissues

The Atari-style t-shirts and TPK Tissues proved to be very popular! We do have some t-shirts left which will be for sale on our website soon.

What’s New at Goodman Games Announcements

And what would Gary Con be without a “What’s New With Goodman Games” seminar? There were some doozy announcements at this one! First, the Kickstarter for the DCC Lankhmar boxed set is now live! Mutant Crawl Classics is coming along, and we showed off the covers of a couple of the first MCC modules (see photos below). Also coming in the not-to-distant future are scratch-off Level 0 character sheets and the 2nd printing of DCC #70: Jewels of the Carnifex with a new cover by Peter Mullen. The big news, though, you’ve probably already heard: we are partnering with Wizards of the Coast to produce hardcover collector editions of classic D&D modules, starting with B1 and B2!

Gary Con IX Gallery

Author: Dieter Zimmerman

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