Deadline Approaching for Dungeon Con Online Adventure Design Contest

The Dungeon Con Online Adventure Design Contest Ends Soon!

We previously announced The Dungeon Con Online Adventure Design Contest as a part of the convention co-sponsored by Goodman Games, Kobold Press, and Dungeon Masters Guild is a celebration of D&D 5E—and a great way to get your adventure noticed. The time has now come to get your adventure in to the contest before it is too late!

The deadline for submission is 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.

We are looking for D&D 5E DMs who want to create a short dungeon crawl and run playtests at the con. We’ll select our favorite and the winner will receive a $100 award, admission to future cons, and consideration for future publication!

Dungeon Design Criteria:

  • The adventure should be written using D&D 5E rules.
  • The adventure should be an underground dungeon crawl of at least 10 rooms. The encounters should have a good mix of exploration, combat, traps, and social interaction. Please include at least one new monster or fully developed NPC (including stats). Other creatures can reference the SRD for stats.
  • The adventure should be suitable for virtual play with 4-6 players. The parties should be able to finish the dungeon crawl in a 4-hour virtual play session.
  • Level range should be tier one (levels 1-4) or tier two (levels 5-10).

Adventure Submission Process:

  • We would like to review your written manuscript after you have incorporated any feedback from playtests at the con. Playtesting is a valuable part of the design process! The final manuscript should be no more than 5000 words in length. Email your manuscript to no later than 11:59 p.m. EST June 15, 2021.
  • Judging will be based on the final written manuscript as well as feedback from the convention players. We will identify a winner by August 31.

The Prize:

  • The winner will receive $100 cash and a badge to the second Dungeon Con Online.
  • The winner retains all rights to the adventure and is free to publish it in the future.
  • If the adventure fits the publication needs of Goodman Games or other sponsors, they will consider it for future publication.

Get your submissions in now! You’ve only got a few days left to make it in by the deadline. And good luck! We can’t wait to read all the adventures!

Author: pandabrett

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