Did You Find the Secret Door?

Every charming medieval-style village has its secrets, and Dundraville is no exception. Sometimes those are big secrets like Kobold infestation, Undead army recruitment drives, or the conjunction of multi-planar focii resulting in the accidental rebirth of an Elder God. But sometimes they’re small things, easily overlooked but of great value, things hidden in plain sight…

So, have you found the Secret Door yet?

Our Village of Dundraville is open to everyone during Dungeon Con Online and, in addition to all those can’t-miss-’em locations like the Dealers Hall and Artist’s Alley, our little village also has a little secret — can you find it? There are clues for the curious, and you might have to look in places outside the village to make headway, but solving such puzzles is an elemental part of the adventuring lifestyle.

Author: admin

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