Event Submissions Are Open for Spawn of Cyclops Con

That sound in the other room. The soft sound of a child’s laugh. The ball that rolled in from the room you though was empty. It’s nothing to worry about. It’s a child a play. And you want to play, don’t you? Just remember… event submission is now open for Spawn of Cyclops Con!

We want you to submit events for Spawn of Cyclops Con! It’s that simple, and it’s that wonderful.

So let’s look at some details.

Judge and Event submission FYI – When you submit events:

  • Please fill out all of the fields
  • Please give descriptions. There is space for an optional long description – please use that!
  • There is a field for special event tracks. We will call out these events in certain ways so please ensure you tell us if your events match one of these tracks: New DCC Players Welcome, D&D 5E, Sword & Sorcery Workshops, or Xcrawl Classics Beta Rules.
  • We ask for an email and an alternate contact method (such as Discord name to use on our Spawn of Cyclops Con channels) for judges, so players may contact you. For privacy, you may wish to create a different email or another contact method than your personal one to use for contacting your players. Just make sure it is one you will check often, as players frequently join events at the last minute and will need to know where to log on for your event.
  • Once event registration begins, please make sure you are contacting your players early and often to confirm your online gaming method and links.

Important links:

This con is about more than just Dungeon Crawl Classics! It also covers D&D of all editions, as well as versions of DCC (MCCXCCDCC Lankhmar, etc.). So be ready to get your game on no matter the rules!

Schedule of Important Dates:

  • January 2: Event submission is now open – you may submit events that you would like to run as a judge in Spawn of Cyclops Con!
  • January 22: Event schedule posted
  • January 23: Badge sales start
  • January 25: SoCC Event Pre-Registration for Volunteers and Judges
  • January 29: Event registration opens
  • February 25: Last day for ticket refunds. All tickets are final after this point.
  • February 26: Spawn of Cyclops Con begins at noon Eastern (16:00 UTC)!

And if you have any additional questions, you can always contact susan@goodman-games.com for additional clarity.

We’ll see you in February at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

Author: pandabrett

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