Spawn of Cyclops Con is Coming!

That thing you hear rustling amongst the holiday decorations—the one you haven’t been able to locate—it’s coming. And it’s looking to play…

Spawn of Cyclops Con is right around the corner! And we want to make sure you have all the information you need to start planning your con for late February.

Let’s look at some dates.

  • Event submission opens: January 2
  • Event schedule posted: January 22
  • Badge sales open: January 23
  • Event pre-reg for volunteers and judges: January 25
  • Event registration opens to all: January 29
  • Last day for ticket refunds: February 25
  • Con Start: February 26

So get your adventures planned, your traps placed, and your monsters spawned! If you sign up to run 2 or more events, we’ll even give you a Judges badge for free—and all judges get to register for events early on January 25, before regular registration begins on January 29.

Head on over to the Spawn of Cyclops Con page on TableTop Events to get all the latest info!

We’ll see you in February at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

Author: pandabrett

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