DCC RPG at Dundracon This Weekend!

Diary of a Beast Mode

In case you haven’t noticed it, DCC Demo Judge and Xcrawl Creator Brendan LaSalle has gone into full Beast Mode, and is running games and cutting a wide swath all across the country — always popping up where you least expect him! This weekend, that means that Brendan will be will be appearing and running DCC RPG games in the greater San Fransisco area at Dundracon and Black Diamond Games!

Brendan-LaSalleDundracon, February 17-20

For Dundracon, Brendan will be there running on-the-books con games, with fellow Beast-men Doug Kovacs and Jobe Bittman both in attendance and running off-the-books Secret Games. Find them to join in — if you dare!

For more info, check out http://www.dundracon.com.

Black Diamond Games, February 21

And then, because Beast Mode does not acknowledge the puny con-burn suffered by lesser mortals, Brendan LaSalle will be running a DCC RPG session at Black Diamond Games on Monday, February 20 at 5:00 PM!

For more info on that event, check out http://www.blackdiamondgames.com.

Author: webmaster

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