A Chupacabra Con Recap!

Goodman Games had an absolutely fabulous time at ChupacabraCon in San Marcos, TX this past weekend and we can’t wait until next year! Chango, the official mascot of ChupacabraCon, welcomed us with open arms and tentacles.

The Portal Under the Stars opened once again as Glipkerio was being fought at another table! The Blood Red Curse was defeated by DCC newcomers while another group of playtesters were fighting heroes in an upcoming DCC-compatible adventure where they played as monsters! The chaos continued with one of the Neon Lord’s biggest fans taking a group on a one-way bus trip to the Toxic Wasteland and a pirate stopped by the Goodman Games booth to say Arrrrgh!

There were special guests, a live auction, convention specials, and awesome vendors. Special shoutout to Game Kastle Austin for their support. Much fun was had by all and if you weren’t able to make it this year, start planning for next year now. We look forward to gaming with you!

Author: admin

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