DCC 4th Secret Message: SOLVED


About two years ago, Dungeon Crawl Classics went to a 4th printing. (We’re now up to 6 printings, by the way, but this story starts with the 4th.) In a change from the 3rd printing, a peculiar piece of art could be found in the corner of page 476. This image, in fact, drawn by DCC artist Stefan Poag…


We let it go by, expecting someone to eventually pay attention to it. No one did, so in October 2017, we posted this Kickstarter update with a slightly more overt hint.

Now, two years later, we are very happy to announce that Joe Manley has finally solved the hidden message within the 4th printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics. Congratulations Joe! You can read a little more about this on Stefan Poag’s own blog. Joe got in touch with us to let us know what he had deciphered, and he was correct. Joe will receive a piece of original art from DCC artist Stefan Poag, and the admiration and respect of everyone here at Goodman Games. It wasn’t an easy mystery to solve, and the timing right around the release of Ready Player One seems very appropriate.

It’s nice to see someone out there has solved one of the secret messages.

“One” of them? You mean there’s more than one?

Yes. Oh, yes.

Today’s word of the day: acrostic.

Let us know when you find the next one!

Author: pandabrett

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