The Dungeon of Nocyrag: A Scratcher Dungeon
Can you survive the Dungeon of Nocyrag and make off with its fantastic treasures? Goodman Games is pleased to present a new chapter in dungeon crawling: the scratcher dungeon! Yes, just like the lotto…except it’s a dungeon crawl. Scratch off your characters then enter the dungeon. Scratch off each randomized encounter to what dangers you face, then scratch off your randomized rolls to determine whether your heroes persevere or perish. Make it to the and collect fabulous treasure! Collect enough treasure and you can redeem it for credit at the Goodman Games booth! But beware: other adventurers also haunt the dungeons. Your real-life rivals at the convention can challenge you and steal your treasure!
The Dungeon of Nocyrag premieres at Gary Con VIII. All attendees of the con get 1 scratcher for free. “The first hit’s free!” Thereafter, cards are $1 each. Visit the Goodman Games booth to learn more!