This is the place to find out all of the games the Road Crew will be running, as well as where the folks from Goodman Games will be appearing! 

DCC Lankhmar at Guardian Games

Guardian Games 345 SE Taylor St, Portland, OR, United States

Campaign Play at Guardian Games in Portland, OR 345 SE Taylor St, Portland, OR 97214 6 PM on Tuesdays/Open RPG Night

Dungeon Crawl Classics at Launch Pad Brewing

Launch Pad Brewery 884 S Buckley Rd, Aurora, CO, United States

Launch Pad Brewing, 884 South Buckley Road, Aurora, CO 80015 Join the misfits and miscreants of the DCK for a DCC adventure that may allow you to live or cause a horrible death. Module will be an DCC Lankmar story line.

DCC Lankhmar – No Small Crimes in Lankhmar (German Edition)

Owlbear Rodeo

Wir spielen auf Owlbear Rodeo und Discord DCC Lankhmar in der deutschen Übersetzung von System Matters. Einladung und vorgefertigte Charaktere gibt es per E-Mail. Bitte kurz reservieren über eine Nachricht an Das Abenteuer wird sein: Kleinkriminelle in Lankhmar (No Small Crimes in Lankhmar) Wir werden ca. 4 Stunden spielen.

The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar: 2-1


Location: Dungeon Crawlers Discord LFG Thread: The goal is to run this this adventure with the intensity of a tournament round, but still allow the players to play through a complete story. To achieve this, the game will be run as a modified 3rd/4th-level funnel. The module comes with a stack of premade Lankhmar […]

Do you have an upcoming event? Submit your event through our convenient Event Registration Form, and we’ll get it listed on the calendar!

Event approval and Road Crew Membership are both manual functions. 

Please allow 24-72 hours for your submission to appear in the Calendar, and up to one week for your membership to become active.