This is the place to find out all of the games the Road Crew will be running, as well as where the folks from Goodman Games will be appearing! 

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DCC Van On the Run at Clericon

October 26 @ 2:30 pm EDT

Justin Mohareb brings us Van on the Run (LVL 1 Dungeon Crawl Classics Scenario) Ancient dragonscale tomes chronicle a vehicle of astral origin, driven by the sorcerous, jumping through labyrinthine time-light, spawning beings of pure energy, and challenging gods. Could this be it, sitting wrecked before you? Inside, a dangling, shrunken hag’s head shrieks, “LIVE DRIVER REQUIRED!” A wasteland awaits, where you must carve through the dreaded croc-ti to rescue the demon who can fix your ride. Only then can you fly your arcane chariot to conquer the gargantuan Crocndoom and prove your mastery of the van on the run!


537 Main St.
Gerogetown, Ontario LG7 3T1 Canada
View Venue Website

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Event approval and Road Crew Membership are both manual functions. 

Please allow 24-72 hours for your submission to appear in the Calendar, and up to one week for your membership to become active.