DCC RPG World Tour 2013

The 2013 World Tour is now concluded! Thank you to everyone who participated. You can still get the “level 1 game” promo pack by submitting notification of new games, but the advancement to further games is being updated for 2014. Check back soon for more information on the 2014 world tour!

Tour Dates

Come game with DCC RPG writers, artists, and publishers at these events!
Connect with us on-site to play exclusive adventures and pick up special


Dates Event Location
Feb. 14-17 GenghisCon Denver, CO
Feb. 15-18 OrcCon Los Angeles, CA
Feb. 15-18 DunDraCon San Ramon, CA
Feb. 21-24 TotalCon Mansfield, MA
Mar. 1-3 CincyCon Cincinnati, OH
Mar. 14-17 GaryCon Lake Geneva, WI
Mar. 29-31 Marcon Columbus, OH
Apr. 5-7 ConGlomeration Louisville, KY
May 24-27 Gamex Los Angeles, CA
May 24-27 Kublacon San Francisco, CA
June 6-9 North Texas
Fort Worth, TX
June 15 Free RPG
Day 2013
July 5-7 KantCon Overland Park, KS
July 12-14 ConnectiCon Hartford, CT
July 26-28 Fandom
Louisville, KY
Aug. 15-18 Gen Con Indianapolis, IN
Aug. 30-Sep. 2 Pacificon Santa Clara, CA
Aug. 30-Sep. 2 Tacticon Aurora, CO

Join the Road Crew

The road crew needs you! Run DCC RPG at your local store/con to earn
cool swag!

How to participate: It’s easy. E-mail
with the date, time, and location of your event; an online link
to the event; and your contact info. That’s all!

Tell us at least 30 days before your event. That will give us time to
ship out your cool swag.

The free swag applies only for running games in physical, brick-and-mortar
locations. Any public event at a game store or game convention qualifies.
We encourage you to run online games, but they don’t qualify for the swag.

Run 1 game and get a promo pack with buttons, pencils, bookmarks,
badge ribbons, and other freebies for the players in your game. Free!

Run 3 games in 2013 and get a 2013 World Tour ringer tee after
your third game. Free!

Run 5 games in 2013 and get an iron-on for the back of your shirt
reading “I’m With The Band” after your fifth game. Free!

Run 7 games in 2013 and get a solid brass DCC RPG belt buckle
after your seventh game. Free!

Run 9 games in 2013 for the super-special secret prize after
your ninth game! Free!

Questions? Post on our

International Swag

We are pleased to now offer the option for international participation
in the Road Crew! We still provide the swag for free, and ask that you
pay for the postage. To minimize postage costs, international swag will
be mailed in 3-game bundles (i.e., one box has enough buttons, pencils,
bookmarks, and badge ribbons for three Road Crew events). The swag will
be shipped out via International First Class at the postage cost as indicated.

Canada: $10.55 

Europe, Australia, and Rest of World: $16.75 

Shared Events

Periodically we will announce a new adventure that’s free for judges
who run a public game during a certain month. This module will be all-new,
and the content will be a secret prior to the event! Everybody who signs
up to run a game in the designated month will be given a copy of the module,
and everyone gets to play it at the same time.


#77.5: The Tower Out of Time
: A special road crew module available
for play in June or July! This adventure is FREE to road crew judges who
run it in June or July. Schedule your event now to take part.
#80.5: Glipkerio’s Gambit:
A special road crew module available for
play in December or January! This adventure is FREE to road crew judges
who run it in December or January. Schedule your event to take part.