Classic Covers: J.R.R. Tolkien

Classic Covers: J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings was the book that launched a thousand trilogies, and made Tolkien’s name synonymous not just with modern fantasy fiction, but publishing mega-success. With more copies, in more languages, in more editions, than anything else in its category, and with an entire sub-industry spun out of publishing various notes, unpublished drafts, and side-excursions of its author, The Lord of the...

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A Kind of Elvish Craft: Quotations from The Lord of the Rings

A Kind of Elvish Craft: Quotations from The Lord of the Rings

“To make a Secondary World . . . commanding Secondary Belief, will probably require labor and thought, and will certainly demand a special skill, a kind of elvish craft. Few attempt such difficult tasks. But when they are attempted and in any degree accomplished then we have a rare achievement of Art: indeed narrative art, storymaking in its primary and most potent mode.” — J.R.R. Tolkien, “On...

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Read Magic with Michael Curtis: Frodo Lives!

Read Magic with Michael Curtis: Frodo Lives!

Read Magic with Michael Curtis: Frodo Lives! by Michael Curtis Read Magic with Michael Curtis is an occasional feature that explores the connections between the works of Appendix N and fantasy gaming, examining how those stories inspired the many facets of Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeon Crawl Classics. For more than forty years, people have gathered together to play games casting themselves as fantastical heroes facing off against...

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