A Look at Tanith Lee’s Cyrion

A Look at Tanith Lee’s Cyrion

A Daisy Crossed With a Razor: Tanith Lee’s Cyrionby Bill Ward“A young man, tall and slender, with much of the lynx and the panther about him, a face like that of the Fiend at his most irresistibly prepossessing, long-lidded eyes like half-sheathed blades…”– from “Cyrion in Stone”Neither hulking powerhouse nor doomed cursling nor irrepressible rogue – Tanith Lee’s Cyrion is less archetype than he is cipher, less...

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Classic Covers: Tanith Lee

Classic Covers: Tanith Lee

Poetic and prolific UK author Tanith Lee (1947-2015) ranged from the sun-dappled lands of fantasy to the mist-shrouded shores of horror, and seemingly everywhere in between. Spooky, sensual, and superbly-crafted, Lee’s genre-stretching work featuring vampires, doomed heroes, cursed lovers, gothic manors, crossed identities, unholy seductions, shapeshifters, demon princes, possession, sorcery, and madness was fantasy as much in...

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