A Look at Ramsey Campbell’s Far Away & Never

A Look at Ramsey Campbell’s Far Away & Never

A Look at Ramsey Campbell’s Far Away & Never by Bill Ward Legendary British Horror author Ramsey Campbell’s prolific and best-selling output has been the stuff of nightmares ā€“ in a good way! ā€“ for more than a half-century. From his Lovecraftian roots to his contemporary novels of psychological and supernatural horror, Campbell continually pushed the frontiers of both his chosen genre and his own stylistic expression. A...

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Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season

Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season

Ten Sword-and-Sorcery Tales For the Haunting Season by Brian Murphy On a blog such as this, I doubt Iā€™m alone in my irrational love of Halloween, a holiday for me that, more than Thanksgiving or Christmas, evokes a Ray Bradbury-like level of nostalgia and anticipation. Here in New England, I find that as the leaves begin to turn and October shadows lengthen, so too do my thoughts drift from my natural sword-and-sorcery bent toward the...

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