Community Publisher Profile – Dark-Platypus Studio

Community Publisher Profile – Dark-Platypus Studio

Goodman Games is proud to showcase our amazing Third Party Publishers, and we want to give each of them a moment to shine. That’s the reason for our Community Publisher Profiles. This time up, we’ve got Andy Barlow of Dark-Platypus Studio! The Mutant Mayhem Minis line is a collection of pewter gaming figurines designed for use with the Mutant Crawl Classics role-playing game. The other part of the Mutant Mayhem Minis line is the...

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Gen Con 2018 Recap: MCC Miniatures Announced!

Gen Con 2018 Recap: MCC Miniatures Announced!

  This news might seem small, but it’s solid! As we revealed in our What’s New With Goodman Games seminar at Gen Con, Goodman Games is very excited to announce that Dark-Platypus Studio has acquire a license to produce a line of miniatures for Mutant Crawl Classics! Based on our latest RPG and the sister to Dungeon Crawl Classics, the new line of miniatures for Mutant Crawl Classics will be entitled Mutant Mayhem Minis....

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