A Preview of DCC Horror #7: It Consumes!

A Preview of DCC Horror #7: It Consumes!

A brand new horror module just in time for Halloween! DCC Horror #7: It Consumes! is the newest module in our series of darkly-themed modules that are perfect for the spooky season that is upon us. This time out, author Thorin Thompson takes us into a frozen village that has something…wrong. You can’t quite place it at first, but you can feel the horror eating away at you. Consuming you—and your friends. And we’ve got a special...

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Hocking’s Seven Short Shudders

Hocking’s Seven Short Shudders

Hocking’s Seven Scarce Shudders by John C. Hocking More short stories of the supernatural that chill to the bone.   My original list of seven shuddersome short stories from last month highlighted some of the best supernatural work I’ve read, but I limited myself to tales that could be found with minimal effort and expense.  This list is not so merciful.  Here are seven superlative horror yarns that deliver distilled spectral fear but...

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Hocking’s Seven Shudders

Hocking’s Seven Shudders

Hocking’s Seven Shudders Short stories of the supernatural that chill to the bone. by John C. Hocking This is a much shorter list than I’d like but many of the finest authors of the weird tale currently have their work available only in rare old paperbacks or lavishly expensive new hardcovers and I wanted to suggest stories a reader might find without too much effort or expense. Alas, Karl Edward Wagner, T.E.D. Klein, H. Russell...

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