Words Weird and Wonderful: Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne

Words Weird and Wonderful: Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne

Words Weird and Wonderful: Clark Ashton Smith’s Averoigne by Bill Ward In a recent jaunt through Averoigne I was struck again by Clark Ashton Smith’s extraordinary vocabulary. He was clearly a collector of words and, reportedly, as a precocious young genius with an eidetic memory he read Webster’s 13th unabridged dictionary cover-to-cover – but more importantly he studied it. From the odd to the uncommon, from the...

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Castle Amber Designer’s Diary #4: Required Reading

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary #4: Required Reading

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary #4: Required Reading by Michael Curtis Castle Amber may not be the most literary-inspired adventure, but I’m hard-pressed to name another one off the top of my head that owes so much of its existence to works of literature. While you’re eagerly awaiting the adventure to arrive in your hands (hopefully purchased through your local brick-and-mortar game store if you have one, because they need your business...

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12 Hour Castle Amber Stream For Charity!

12 Hour Castle Amber Stream For Charity!

The amazing folks over at Twenty Sides to Every Story have teamed up with Extra Life to run a marathon gaming session for charity, and they’re doing it LIVE ON TWITCH! So we invite you to pop over to their Twitch Channel and tune in to watch the gang play their way through Castle Amber! Here’s their announcement: On Friday, November 27 at 10:00 am CST we are running a charity stream for ExtraLife with Castle Amber as our...

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Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: Castle Renovations

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: Castle Renovations

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: Castle Renovations by Michael Curtis One of the great benefits of working on any Original Adventures Reincarnated book is you get to play in the sandboxes other talent designers constructed. This gives you the opportunity to embellish on existing works, adding flourishes and the occasional entirely new area or three to surprise players familiar with the original work. Castle Amber was no exception and,...

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Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: The Magnificent Ambers

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: The Magnificent Ambers

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: The Magnificent Ambers by Michael Curtis Castle Amber is more than just a funhouse dungeon, although that’s easy to overlook, especially for younger game masters. While there’s plenty of monsters to fight and treasure to be looted, the Castle features something that was uncommon for many early adventures: plenty of roleplaying opportunities in the form of the Amber family members The Ambers aren’t...

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Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Castle Amber Designer’s Diary: We Have Always Lived in the Castle By Michael Curtis Castle Amber is one of my favorite modules, hands-down. From the moment I picked it up at Great Escapes Hobbies in the Sun-Vet Mall in 1981 to the minute I’m writing this, I’ve loved “Chateau D’Amberville” and all its weird inhabitants. Like a good novel, I appreciated it on one level when I was 10 and another when I’m (mumbles something...

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OAR #5: Castle Amber Now Available for Pre-Order!

OAR #5: Castle Amber Now Available for Pre-Order!

It’s time! We’re opening the doors on Original Adventures Reincarnated #5: Castle Amber, and you are all invited inside. The fifth release in our Original Adventures Reincarnated line is now up and available for pre-order from our online store. It’s your chance to get in line for the first wave of shipments of this great new release. Here’s the details on OAR #5: Castle Amber: They fled from the far-flung land...

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Announcing Castle Amber As 5th Volume In Our Original Adventures Reincarnated Line!

Announcing Castle Amber As 5th Volume In Our Original Adventures Reincarnated Line!

You’ve speculated. You’ve wondered. You’ve waited. Now you get an answer. Coming this September, Goodman Games will release Original Adventures Reincarnated #5: Castle Amber. Intended for levels 3 through 7, Castle Amber was the second adventure for the D&D Expert Set. Here’s some text from the back cover: They fled from the far-flung land of Averoigne: the Amber family, a bloodline of wizards and warriors...

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