A Great Time at PAX East!

A Great Time at PAX East!

What a blast of a weekend! For all of you who came out and stopped by the booth, thank you! You’ve made this year’s PAX East one to remember! So many games were played, and it was a joy to the cybernetic eyes of the Neon Lord to see plenty of DCC and MCC on the table! Plenty of spellburn and mutations to make any diehard fan happy! Thanks for the fun, Boston. Join us next year for more adventures in the big city and PAX...

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A Great Time at Gary Con!

A Great Time at Gary Con!

This past weekend, March 21st to 24th, the Goodman Games crew returned to GaryCon, and had a grand time in Lake Geneva! From snow…again… to a booth that was hopping with business, to the sold-out 5E Organized Play Program tables, it’s a GaryCon to remember. Oh! And did we mention? Dark Tower appeared for the first time at booths this weekend! Big thanks to Luke Gygax, all the volunteers, and the staff of the Grand...

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A Grand Time at GameFace Con!

A Grand Time at GameFace Con!

Baltimore came out for the 1st annual Gameface Con Last weekend, March 9th and 10th, the Peabody Heights Brewery hosted this great event put on by Justin Sirois of Severed Books. Baltimore answered the call for adventure and came out to roll some dice and great games were had by all!  Thank you for all the brisk high-fives and great chats at the table about all things Goodman Games!!!  Congrats to Peabody and Justin on such...

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A Great Time at GAMA Expo!

A Great Time at GAMA Expo!

We had a great time at GAMA Expo! Thanks again to all the retailers who gamed with us, came by the booth to chat about our product line, and watched our presentation on upcoming releases! Louisville was a great city and we wished we could have seen more of it — though we’re definitely returning to the Troll Pub next year! Retailers: remember to place your orders now before the show special coupon code expires! And a hearty...

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All The Tournament Winners!

All The Tournament Winners!

For several years now, Goodman Games has been running tournaments at conventions across the country. Gen Con has seen the lion’s share of these events, but we’ve expanded to other shows to allow more people a chance to prove their mettle in the ultimate arena of role-playing talent. We’ve had folks dealing with everything from Beer Golems to Black Hearts, and even a chance to prove themselves The Greatest Thieves in...

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A Great Time at Cincy Con!

A Great Time at Cincy Con!

This past weekend, March 1-3, around 700 gamers from the Tri-state region (Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky) gathered for the annual CincyCon game celebration! Board games, wargames, and roleplaying games were in abundance at the Butler County Convention halls A and B, along with the screams of victory, wails of defeat, and general exuberance of all in attendance. Goodman Games was in attendance, along with a lot of great third party...

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A Terrific Time at OwlCon!

A Terrific Time at OwlCon!

It was a gorgeous weekend for gaming at Rice University in Houston, Texas. OwlCon enjoyed its 41st year of being an established convention, with many guests coming out to enjoy board games, tabletop roleplaying games, and the Goodman Games Booth! Several wells were explored, one that was full of human-faced larva and another that lead to a world of flames, temples were defended from siege, and the stars shone brightly under a Weird...

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An Amazing Time at TotalCon!

An Amazing Time at TotalCon!

Totalcon 38 is in the books! New England’s finest came out to celebrate all things Goodman Games and an IRL Pizza Party with Joey Royale!  The RPG rooms were filled with some awesome Goodman-related games where strange dice were rolled and plenty of laughs were had! The Booth was a buzz of all types of DCC fans old and new! Hearing the adventures they have had at the con and DCC games of the past is always a blast! Not...

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An Awesome Time at OrcCon!

An Awesome Time at OrcCon!

Presidents Day weekend was a busy one for convention goers, Brad Littman reports: Finally, OrcCon arrived. The first of the three Strategicon conventions held in Los Angeles. Goodman-Games has now done the whole Strategicon circuit of OrcCon, Gamex, and Gateway! Heading up to the roleplay area it was nice to see so many DCC related games being run.  Some players got a chance to play Xcrawl. So many of the players just spent their days...

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A Great Time at DunDraCon!

A Great Time at DunDraCon!

This past Presidents Day weekend was full of monumental activity at Northern California’s esteemed DunDraCon — and Goodman Games was there! The world’s oldest, longest runningest RPG convention had its biggest turn out ever and hosted hundreds of games, including everyone’s favorites, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, and Shlebnork’s Phantastic Realm (but the less said about that last one, the better). Halflings were...

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A Very Cool Time at Midwinter Con!

A Very Cool Time at Midwinter Con!

Our intrepid team of conventioneers braved the cold and dark of Midwinter Con over the weekend! A bundled-up Nick Baran of Breaker Press Games reports: Midwinter Gaming Convention was WILD! Light snow hit Milwaukee on Wednesday and escalated through Thursday and Friday. On Friday night, during my 6pm-10pm game, the power went out during the boss battle. The convention space ran on emergency generators for the next 14-16 hours and when...

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A Great Time at Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo!

A Great Time at Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo!

What a blast! The Neon Lord has returned from the land of Philly cheese steaks to report back to Goodman Games HQ on an amazing con! Despite the weekend’s snow, the Philly gamers came out to play in some awesome DCC games run by the local road crew! Big thanks to Ron Meischker and his volunteers for an amazing time at the first annual Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo! We’re looking forward to next year already! But...

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