Classic Covers: H.P. Lovecraft

Classic Covers: H.P. Lovecraft

Few writers have had quite the literary afterlife of H.P. Lovecraft, a man whose name has become a byword for all things tentacled and mind-destroying. With millions of books in print in thousands of editions, the originator of works with a trend-setting aesthetic in writhingly dark cosmic horror, Lovecraft’s stories have proven an irresistible lure to artists of the macabre since the pulp era. Here is just a small sampling of...

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Classic Covers: A Month of Weird Octobers

Classic Covers: A Month of Weird Octobers

The Unique Magazine gave us more than its fair share of truly unique covers, from the macabre to the carnal, the heroic to the horrifying, and, of course, the just plain weird, Weird Tales is the stuff of which classic covers are made. What follows is a snapshot of covers for October and November issues of Weird Tales during its heyday — because, after all, spooky doesn’t just stop after Halloween, it’s just getting...

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Classic Covers: The Weird Tales Conan Covers of Margaret Brundage

Classic Covers: The Weird Tales Conan Covers of Margaret Brundage

We all know what Conan looks like—ferociously muscled, scowling, a barely-contained dynamo of steel-hard flesh and savage energy. It can come as a bit of a shock, then, for those of us in the post-Frazetta, post-Savage Sword, post-Schwarzenegger era to meet Conan in his earliest depictions on the covers of Weird Tales magazine. Howard sold seventeen Conan stories to Weird Tales, the character appearing in twenty-five issues and making...

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