Classic Covers: Jack Vance

Classic Covers: Jack Vance

One of the benefits of being an extraordinarily productive and highly-reprinted genre writer during the mass market paperback publishing boom of the mid-twentieth century is you get a terrific amount of amazing visual art forever associated with your name. Jack Vance, author of over 60 books (whenever you see ‘over’ a certain number, that’s a pretty big clue that the author in question is so prolific that it’s...

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New to DCC? Here’s Where to Start With Appendix N!

New to DCC? Here’s Where to Start With Appendix N!

Our Appendix N Archeology and Adventures in Fiction series are meant to take a look at the writers and creators behind the genre(s) that helped to forge not only our favorite hobby but our lives. We invite you to explore the entirety of the series on our Adventures In Fiction home page. New To DCC? Here’s Where To Start With Appendix N! by Jeff Goad So you’re new to DCC RPG and you might have heard that...

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Where to Start with the Fantasy Fiction of Poul Anderson

Where to Start with the Fantasy Fiction of Poul Anderson

Where to Start with the Fantasy Fiction of Poul Anderson by Bill Ward Poul Anderson (1926-2001) is one of those authors whose prolific output – over one hundred novels and at least as many short stories – is as impressive as it is potentially intimidating. A great many of our contemporary authors tend to stick with one kind of story or book for branding purposes, often adopting new pseudonyms if they dare deviate from the brand, but...

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Classic Covers: Poul Anderson

Classic Covers: Poul Anderson

With scores of novels spanning the popular genres of science fiction and fantasy, with hundreds of magazine and anthology appearances, and with a career spanning the most creative era of visual marketing in publishing of the 20th century, Poul Anderson’s bibliography has the quintessential ‘Classic Covers’ ingredients. Here is but a small sample of the art that brought Anderson’s stories to...

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Adventures in Fiction: Fredric Brown

Adventures in Fiction: Fredric Brown

Our Adventures in Fiction series is meant to take a look at the writers and creators behind the genre(s) that helped to forge not only our favorite hobby but our lives. We invite you to explore the entirety of the series on our Adventures In Fiction home page. Adventures in Fiction: Fredric Brown by Bill Ward Anyone who has mined the treasures of Gary Gygax’s legendary Appendix N – his bibliography of fantastic...

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Live Michael Moorcock Interview Airs TODAY!

Live Michael Moorcock Interview Airs TODAY!

TODAY at 4:00 p.m. EST—something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel! Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is pleased to announce a...

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Live Interview With Michael Moorcock is Tomorrow!

Live Interview With Michael Moorcock is Tomorrow!

TOMORROW—Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 p.m. EST—something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is...

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Live Interview With Michael Moorcock is This Weekend!

Live Interview With Michael Moorcock is This Weekend!

This Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 p.m. EST, something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is...

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Michael Moorcock Interview is One Week From Today!

Michael Moorcock Interview is One Week From Today!

Next Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 p.m. EST, something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is...

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Michael Moorcock Interview is Two Weeks From Today!

Michael Moorcock Interview is Two Weeks From Today!

On Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 p.m. EST, something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is...

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Stranger Things in the Stories of Michael Moorcock

Stranger Things in the Stories of Michael Moorcock

Of Artifacts, Relics, and Stranger Things in the Stories of Michael Moorcock by Brian Murphy My daughter was on my case, hard. She really wanted me to watch Stranger Things. “Dad, you grew up in the 80s. You played Dungeons and Dragons. It’s made for you!” At first I resisted. I’m not much of a TV guy, preferring books for my entertainment. But ultimately, I caved. When you’re a dad of a teenage daughter you don’t pass up a bonding...

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Live Twitch Interview With Michael Moorcock Coming Soon!

Live Twitch Interview With Michael Moorcock Coming Soon!

On Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 p.m. EST, something very special is happening on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel. Michael Moorcock’s Elric saga is a fundamental part of Appendix N literature. His work has influenced not just every fantasy role-playing game ever published, but much of fantasy film and literature as we know it. Moorcook is a master of his craft and a luminary of the fantasy genre. The Sanctum Secorum is...

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