Support Cult of the Cave Crickets on Kickstarter!

Terrorize your friends with this Lovecraftian module! Mutant cave crickets, a fungal god, and more fungi than you can shake a stick at!

In the hollow depths beneath the earth, where light is forgotten and sanity wavers, lies a terror beyond mortal comprehension!

Cult of the Cave Crickets invites you to descend into a labyrinth of darkness, where mutated insects skitter and fungal abominations writhe. Unravel the mystery of a fallen star and a missing research expedition over two to three sessions of intense gameplay. 

This is not a mere adventure—it is a journey into madness, a confrontation with the unknowable, and a test of your very sanity.

Dare you enter the subterranean abyss and confront the Cult of the Cave Crickets?

Author: alana

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