Support Pirates of the Goblin River on Kickstarter!

Legends of Lohre folklore-based roleplay for DCC delivers its most action-packed adventure module yet with Pirates of the Goblin River, third of the five-module adventure path, A Tale of Two Sisters.

What’s the story? On the hunt for missing weapon shipments, the characters are ambushed by the thieves and trapped in a floating hotel. Beset by raiders and surrounded by murderous traps designed to kill hapless guests, they must uncover the secrets of this seamy establishment before it goes up in flames and takes them with it. To do so, they’ll have to decipher pirate-style puzzles, hew through hordes of aquatic foes and overcome deadly traps, illusions and enchantments set by the Pirates of the Goblin River.

What’s A Tale of Two Sisters? A five-part series of DCC-compatible adventure modules, A Tale of Two Sisters offers especially rich roleplay opportunities along with the wild unpredictability of the Dungeon Crawl Classics system. Its premier module, Champions of the Goblin Road, was a Level-0 funnel, followed by Pilgrims of the Goblin Road, and now the Level-2 adventure, Pirates of the Goblin RiverA Tale of Two Sisters is set in a campaign setting that Witch Pleas Publishing is developing, the Legends of Lohre, which draws its detail from actual folk legends and great literature the world over. A Tale of Two Sisters is perfect for players and Judges looking for character development, literary roots, and a campaign setting rich in detail.

A Level 2 adventure, Pirates of the Goblin River has everything a party could want in a tour of classic pirate tales, from sirens to swinging on chandeliers and ropes, cursed treasure chests to tavern battles. Exclusive artwork by Stefan Poag, Alexander Moore, Brett Hess and Will McAusland provides a fanciful and grotesque atmosphere, distinctive to the folklore and literary themes of Lohre adventures. Its traditional themes and motifs continue to immerse players in a classic setting, continuing  the 0-4 Level Adventure Path, A Tale of Two Sisters. Please pledge now to bring this unique module to life!

Author: alana

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